Montford North Star Academy
Connect. Collaborate. Create.
- Montford North Star Academy
- AIG Services at MNSA
Academically and Intellectually Gifted
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ACS Mission: Asheville City Schools believes all students can learn, achieve, and succeed. Specifically, we believe all gifted students demonstrate individual strengths and needs that require active participation in differentiated educational services. Their unique potential for learning should be met through expanded educational opportunities including parent, community, and school collaboration. We believe differentiated educational services should respect and reflect the ethnic, cultural, and socioeconomic differences present within the gifted population.
MNSA AIG Services: Many students will receive support from the AIG Specialist, including but not limited to: support for their classroom teacher in differentiation, enrichment, and content specific compacting and acceleration, and content support for students. Some students, those who demonstrate mastery of the specific subject being taught by the classroom teacher, will receive flexible groupings with direct instruction by the AIG specialist.