Grade 3 Ira B. Jones

  • Students that demonstrated reading proficiency on the Beginning-of-Grade 3 English Language Arts (ELA)/Reading Test, the End-of-Grade (EOG) ELA/Reading Assesment or the EOG ELA/Reading Retest (i.e. scored Level 3 or higher):



    Students that did not demonstrate reading proficiency on the Beginning-of-Grade 3 English Language Arts (ELA)/Reading Test, the End-of-Grade (EOG) ELA/Reading Assesment or the EOG ELA/Reading Retest:



    Students exempt from mandatory retention in Grade 3 for good cause. (These students also included in not demonstrating section). Students may be counted in this category only once:



    Students who took and passed an alternative assessment approved by the State Board of Education (SBE) (i.e. Read to Achieve Test or locally determined SBE-approved alternative assessment). Students may be counted in this category only once:



    Total students retained for not demonstrating reading proficiency on Grade 3 standards (Students who are not proficient will be either: [1] retained in a Grade 3 accelerated class, [2] placed in a Grade 3/4 transitional class with a retained label, or [3] placed in a Grade 4 accelerated class with a retained reading label.):

