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Speech and Language Services
Speech-language pathologists in Asheville City Schools serve students with mild to severe disabilities in the following areas: articulation, language, voice/resonance and fluency (stuttering).
Students with articulation concerns may omit, substitute, or distort certain speech sounds. Students with language disorders may have a limited vocabulary or difficulty with grammar, auditory memory, and phonemic awareness. Students with fluency disorders may stutter, frequently repeat words, and/or prolong words. Voice/resonance disorders may include students who have chronically hoarse voice quality; pitch and intensity issues; and/or resonance problems.
Depending on the student's needs, speech-language services are provided in the classroom and/or in a quieter environment with fewer students.
School Language Pathologists:
Robin Lindsay
Todd VanGiesen
Shenandoah Many
Nicole Chamberlin
Brooks Hazelton
Wednesday, September 18, 2024 7:35:58 AM