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ACS Recognized for Excellence by Department of Public Instruction

Asheville City’s Superintendent, Dr. Denise Patterson, was pleased to present principals with graduation and growth award certificates from the North Carolina Department of Public Instruction during this morning’s Administration Meeting. Principals from six of our schools were recognized for their efforts from the 2016-2017 school year.

Congratulations go to:

Dr. David Robinson and the School of Inquiry and Life Sciences at Asheville – For Achieving an Outstanding Graduation Rate of 95.7% and for Achieving Expected Academic Growth

Mrs. Cynthia Sellinger and Hall Fletcher Elementary – For Exceeding Expected Academic Growth

Ms. Sarah Cain and Ira B Jones Elementary – For Exceeding Expected Academic Growth

Mr. Derek Edwards and Claxton Elementary School– For Achieving Expected Academic Growth

Mr. Brad Johnson and Isaac Dickson Elementary School – For Achieving Expected Academic Growth

Mrs. Ruletta Hughes and Vance Elementary School- For Achieving Expected Academic Growth

Principals Awarded from North Carolina Department of Public Instruction